A journey through his life, narrated in the tradition of cantari...
SEX, LIES AND... MUSICAL TALES Venice, XVIth century The most...
De labyrintho The subject of the present disc are motets by Joaquin that...
The ars nova of magister Antonio Zacara da Teramo (ca. 1365-1416)
Ballate, madrigali e danze all'epoca di Boccaccio (XIV Sec.)
Una spendida esecuzione delle famose sonate di Mozart a quattro mani
The beautiful sound of Gianni La Marca's Viola da Gamba and the constant and precise dialogue with the harpsichord by Giorgio Cerasoli make it a very interesting and good recording.
Viola da Gamba Sonata in D major, BWV 1028
Yu Yashima is really talented in the execution of this harpsichord repertoire