A journey through his life, narrated in the tradition of cantari...
SEX, LIES AND... MUSICAL TALES Venice, XVIth century The most...
De labyrintho The subject of the present disc are motets by Joaquin that...
The ars nova of magister Antonio Zacara da Teramo (ca. 1365-1416)
Ballate, madrigali e danze all'epoca di Boccaccio (XIV Sec.)
Le bellissime melodie delle Canciónes sudamericane interpretate da un bravissimo e giovane chitarrista.
Score revised and transcribed by Raffaele Carpino
Giuseppe Ugo Mazzone, Guitar
Masterpieces by Piazzolla and Bartók expertly transcribed and interpreted on the guitar
Opera for Soprano voice and guitar quartet by Silvio Catalini, lyrics by Giuseppe Orlandi